Are you looking for a professional Indian Classical violin teacher?

G Manikantan Violin Artiste (800 x 800)

Violin lessons can be fun, informative and engaging. The best Indian Classical violin teacher can provide proper education about the Carnatic music to the student. Violin is probably the one instrument capable of creating as many emotions as the human voice can. These lessons for playing the violin can be taken in a formal school.

Look for a professional tutor

Violin lessons online

When looking for a professional violin tutor in an institute, other than the price of the lessons, one should look after the qualification and experience of the tutor. The experienced tutor must understand the level of the student, should tailor the lessons accordingly. After all, learning violin should be an enjoyable experience for an individual, and not just on attaining simply a certification. In Singapore, any interested learner can get sufficient information about violin lessons and can learn violin classes online.

Explore Carnatic music

Indian Classical Violin Music Teacher Singapore

Carnatic music is a system of music commonly associated with the southern part of the Indian subcontinent, with its area roughly confined to five modern states of India: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Telengana and Tamil Nadu. Entertainment and music are usually loved by the people. People find interest in learning violin instrument following Carnatic style or gharana.

Effective online class

Home violin lessons can also be very advantageous for a student. The student does not need to commute or drive to the school. In Singapore, one can learn about online Carnatic violin classes and can be comfortable at home. Through online classes too, one can learn about the violin lessons and within a span of years, one can be a competent player.

Choose a proper Carnatic violin institute

Violin Music Carnatic teachers

Learning classical violin through intensive violin lessons is quite exhausting. Many times, it has been seen people start learning but give up halfway. The more will be bound with the musical instrument, the more confidence one will gain. The proper training institute with the experienced teacher will provide the correct knowledge to adopt a tough instrument, like a violin.  Before getting admitted to the music school, one should look after the following line-

  • One should assess the music school by making a trip, know the details.
  • One should see whether the charges are affordable.
  • Validate the qualifications and experience of the master or the tutor.

G Manikantan Violin Artiste is one of the most professional and reputed Indian Classical violin teacher in Singapore. Please visit his official website for more details.

The best place to get Online Carnatic Violin Classes in Singapore


Learning any kind of music is really a tough task and especially when you want to learn it in order to make your career in it. Learning how to play the violin in the most beautiful way is not that easy. You need a reliable and talented service provider who can teach you all the steps and tunes of music. Online Carnatic Violin Classes in Singapore is provided by the trained artists to people of all ages and groups.

If you don’t have any idea about violin lessons and striving to learn it then you must take Indian Carnatic violin Lessons for Beginners that will help you in sharpening your skills and talent and bringing the best out from you. It is really important that you must be dedicated and fully committed when you are getting your music lessons. It will help you to learn the art of music and understand the meaning of each tune and beat. 

Indian Classical Violin Music Teacher Singapore

Violin teaching can take place in school, music centres and at any other place where both the teachers and students feel comfortable and safe. The Indian Classical Violin Music Teacher in Singapore looks to offer the best lesson to their students so that they can progress in their field and make a good name and a powerful image in the music world or music industry.

Role of a violin teacher

  • The violin teachers provide clear instruction to students and teach them how to play the violin
  • They are the one who can provide the best music theory concepts in the most professional and efficient manner.
  • They plan, design, develop and give the best lessons as per the need and requirement of the clients.
  • People also hire the professional and expert violin teachers to improve their skills and talent
  • They also inform the parents about the progress and improvement of the students.

The aim of the professional and trained violin artists at G.Manikantan Violin Artiste is to promote Carnatic talent around the world. They provide Online Carnatic Violin Classes in Singapore at the most affordable price as they want those who are really looking forward to learning music and make their career in this lovely profession.

Learn Indian Carnatic Violin Lessons and Play Heart Touching Music in Singapore

Indian Carnatic violin Lessons for Beginners SingaporeIs it hard to learn how to play the violin? When you are searching for a violin teacher you must search for someone who not only provides quality but also understands your need and requirements. There are different teachers for different students who are specialized in providing Indian carnatic violin lessons for beginners in Singapore. They judge and test the students and according they provide different violin lessons so that each student can learn as per their understanding, capability and knowledge.


Characteristics of a violin teacher

When you are planning to learn violin in Singapore and make your career in this field then surely you must look for Indian classical violin music teacher in Singapore as they have the true knowledge and possess the required skills. There are some reputed violin teachers or academy where the violin is taught in the most professional manner. But you must also search for some characteristics or qualities which a violin teacher must possess.

It is important for a teacher to understand how capable is the students and where the students must start from. Though every teaching lesson must start from basic there are few gifted students who possess that skills and knowledge that they dot need to start from the basic lesson. But for the beginners starting from the basic is the most important requirement. It doesn’t matter which teacher you hire or in which academy you enroll yourself to learn violin. What matters is that your teacher should be able to connect with you and he must be a good performer. Communication is another important quality that you must look for in a teacher. It is true that some teacher may work excellent with some students but with some other students, their performance is really poor. So it is better to select a teacher who understands your requirements and needs and accordingly work with you.

The G.Manikantan Violin Artiste is well experienced and the experts have a passion for teaching. The professionals over here are the best and most reputed for teaching Indian Carnatic violin Lessons for Beginners in Singapore. The artist has the long-term plan for the progress of their students and this is the best part which makes them best in this profession.


Violin lessons onlineViolin lessons online are becoming more and more popular and this is largely due to its long list of benefits compared to one on one lessons. Lessons of all kinds are on the internet today but this industry is still new, hot and growing. Lessons from pros can easily be availed today, as long as you are prepared to pay competitive prices and sometimes sit on a waiting list for a long time before the slot becomes available.

Things to cross check before taking up Violin lessons online:

  • Tutorial packs must always include videos alongside the text format of the e-books you are using. Lessons must also be arranged from beginner to intermediate and finally to expert level. This way any experience you have or don’t have is catered for.
  • Many of the good websites also include lessons on music theory, music reading as well as some fantastically fun jam tracks for you to play along with and hone your ensemble skills.

What is the purpose of taking Violin lessons online?

Violin classes serve at least three vital purposes:

  • Violin lessons online build your comfort, confidence, and proficiency with playing in an ensemble; they especially help you learn how to cope with stage fright, teaching you to redirect your nervousness into useful energy, and reminding you your nervousness is a healthy sign that you care about your performance.
  • Violin lessons online initiate you into the competitive element in violin play, emphasizing the importance of skillfully playing your part for the sake of the group’s performance, simultaneously showing you how to compete for and perform leading parts and solos.
  • Violin lessons online emphasize the importance of rhythm. During your practice sessions, you can cheat on the metronome; during your lessons, you must count and keep time or invite the conductor’s and your classmates’ unbridled scorn and rage.

Violin Music Carnatic teachers

G.Manikantan Violin Artiste is one of the most reliable Violin lessons online. They are the most reliable Violin Music Carnatic teachers in Singapore. Contact them to know more.